• Question: what is the hardest thing you have ever done

    Asked by kirsty to Shruti, Mark, Faranak, Douglas, Charlene, Alistair on 4 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Shruti Turner

      Shruti Turner answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Ever in life? You are asking a really difficult questions! There are lots of things I’ve done that have been difficult: applying for the military, doing my PhD, getting on with my sister when she’s being really really annoying. I don’t know that I could narrow down just one thing. I think perhaps it was when I got injured and had to leave the military. Finding what else I wanted to do in life was really difficult, because I always knew what I wanted to do but couldn’t have that. It has turned out pretty well though, because I love what I do now!

    • Photo: Faranak Bahrami

      Faranak Bahrami answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      There is a direct relationship between your age and your challenges… the older you get, you find out there are more challenging things in life that you never needed to think about. I have had many difficult situations in my life, but I think the most challenging thing was to move to the UK when I was 17. Not having my family here by my side, not knowing the culture, and the language barriers was mentally very challenging for me. But if I could go back, I would make the same decisions again, no regrets. all those difficulties and challenges made me grow as a person and made me a very strong. 🙂

    • Photo: Mark Bentley

      Mark Bentley answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Tough question that…..

      For me at work it can be hard, I’m in an Academic institute working with professors and other highly learned people scientists…but I’m an engineer from a “hands on” profession.

      People are surprised when I say I didn’t go to University to get where I am.

      Personally the 3 peaks cyclocross race….which I’m wanting to run next year
