• Question: what does it feel like to make something that might be used in the future?

    Asked by 334mgrq27 to Shruti, Mark, Faranak, Douglas, Charlene, Alistair on 12 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Faranak Bahrami

      Faranak Bahrami answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      It feels so great. it makes you feel so proud and useful 🙂 it makes you feel all those years of studying did something at the end 😀

    • Photo: Alistair McConnell

      Alistair McConnell answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      Awesome, actually building something that is useful and then seeing it being used either to help someone or just being used by them is such a good feeling. Makes all the time spent up to that point worth it!

    • Photo: Charlene Chung

      Charlene Chung answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      Inspirational and motivational that you’ve contributed something to society that will help not only people but save the environment too.

    • Photo: Shruti Turner

      Shruti Turner answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      It’s such a good feeling, not only that my hard work will be used, but that the work that I’m doing is going to really help people. Working on a technology to improve prosthetic limbs for amputees is such a big motivation to work hard and do a good job.

    • Photo: Mark Bentley

      Mark Bentley answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      It’s the reason I love my job sooooooooooo much, what I make helps scientists make new discoverys which in turn will hopefully help us all.

