• Question: What is your favorite part of your job?

    Asked by charlieO to Mark, Charlene, Shruti, Faranak, Douglas, Alistair on 4 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by finstar, Lydia D, CocoandPoppy, 😛vava😜, Chloe, 565mgrq27, hockeyplayer, Kiera.
    • Photo: Mark Bentley

      Mark Bentley answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      The challenge of coming up with ways of solving problems

    • Photo: Faranak Bahrami

      Faranak Bahrami answered on 10 Mar 2019:

      Not doing the same thing over and over again. I like how there are new things that needs to be solved each day, and that it is not boring. I also like the fact that I can talk and work with other people who are also working on some very cool stuff and technologies. I get to learn a lot

    • Photo: Shruti Turner

      Shruti Turner answered on 11 Mar 2019:

      That’s difficult because I love lots about my job. I have flexible hours, I’m working on a project that I love, when I succeed I know that I’m helping other people, I’m always learning, I’m in a great environment with friendly and helpful people and every day is different as I have so many opportunities do do different things (teaching, lab work, making things, computer work).
